

It is one thing to consume content, but a whole other thing to participate and embody the learnings. That is where the real change takes place. For this reason we have included a substantial amount of LIVE opportunities for your employees to gather in groups, have live discussions and share experiences and deeper levels of healing depending on what they choose to attend on a weekly and monthly basis. ......"knowledge without experience is mere philosophy"..Dr J Dispenza

10 DIY Course Categories
Your employees can work through at their own pace and interest in ten different course categories covering the following topics with new content added weekly;

Affirmations, Meditations and Journalling
Anxiety & Depression
Career & Job
Confidence, Self Esteem & Self Care
Dating & Relationships
Health & Fitness
Life Purpose & Passion
Stress Management
Success, Wealth & Prosperity
Live Monthly Transformational Breathwork Journeys
Breathwork is currently the most searched and fastest growing technique for personal development in the world at the moment. This is a beautifully orchestrated and guided magical 11/2 hour Breathwork journey with the most powerful music allowing for a safe and sacred space to explore the deepest and most vulnerable parts of yourself, strengthening the connection between your mind and body.
Breathwork involves conscious connected breathing (without natural pause or breath holds) for approximately 60min. By breathing in this way, we begin to access the subconscious parts of the brain, where we are able to access our emotions, limiting beliefs, out-of-date systems and thought patterns. Promoting a well needed reset, overall balance allowing vital energy to flow freely through the body, supporting the breakthrough of old patterns and stepping into a new version of yourself.
It often results in the emotional and physical release of stuck energy, unprocessed traumas and many blockages. It is often described as years of therapy in one session.
What you can experience after this session include;
 Emotional lightness and balance
 Increase in energy, clarity and creativity
 Decreased inflammation in body
 Confidence and new states of awareness around why you may have felt stuck in the past.
 The release of deep long held unconscious patterns.
Live Monthly Inhouse Expert Q&A's 
Once a month your employees will have the chance to ask questions and get up close and personal over zoom with our Specialist Expert Coaches on the things that interest them the most. Our Guest experts will cover;

Psychology and Personal Development
 Business Mentorship and Curiosity in the workplace.
 Children's "Brain Health Detective"
 Men's Mental Health and Wellness
 Family and Relationship
Live Monthly Book Club Discussions
Your employees can be part of a lively and a fun discussion group on Books that will be recommended and a "Book of the Month" that can be read together as a group. Books change perspectives in the most powerful ways.
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader...Margaret Fuller

Book of the Month
 Recommended Book List
 Monthly journalling prompts
 Fun, interactive group of readers who will be ready to change the world.
Live Weekly Physical Fitness Sessions - Phase 2
Who needs a gym membership...Wake up and start the day with whole body strength training, or wind down and relax for the evening with yin yoga and stretching.

Whole body strength training
 Yoga & Kundalini Yoga
 Embodiment and Movement
Live Weekly Focus Flow Rooms
Avoid burnout and unlock your employees creativity inside one of our Focus Flow Rooms using "Focused Work Sprints" in a group setting.
Multitasking actually promotes limited attention spans. Multitasking is the only thing where the more we do it, the worse we get and splitting our attention across different tasks is not only counter-productive but also reduces our cognitive abilities.. Monotasking is the new black....So Let's focus the flow to one project and see amazing shifts happen in your employees productivity levels. Achieve more in less time.

Focused Work Sprints around 45-52 minutes long to optimise Brin focus capacity.
 Proven Beta Frequency music for flow
 Facilitated by a Focus Flow Guide
 Camera on for accountability
 Phones off and out of site

Latest Data Shows

Source: Safe Work Australia Workers Compensation Statistics 2019-20


Work pressures accounted for 24% of all accepted psychological claims.


Percentage of costs associated with psychological injury claims


Average number of weeks off work (incapacity weeks) for psychological injury claims.


Percentage of disease claims for mental health conditions in the public administration and safety industry (government, police, fire, emergency services).

Changing Corporate Culture from the inside out ONE person at a time.

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