
Leading With Love Collective

Feminine Leadership from the HEART

Corporate RevivAL

The Next Level
Personal Development
and Wellness Platform

Latest Data Shows

Source: Safe Work Australia Workers Compensation Statistics 2019-20


Work pressures accounted for 24% of all accepted psychological claims.


Percentage of costs associated with psychological injury claims


Average number of weeks off work (incapacity weeks) for psychological injury claims.


Percentage of disease claims for mental health conditions in the public administration and safety industry (government, police, fire, emergency services).

Trish Evelyn

c.Hypno, RTT, Transformational Breathwork Coach
Author, Speaker, Heart Leader
CEO & Founder of our "Let Love Lead" Community & The Big AL Foundation.

WHY I Do what I DO

Changing lives through the POWER OF ONE

On the 15th April 2021 I experienced one of those deeply catalystic moments in my life which changed it's trajectory and the very reason I am here sharing this with you now. I lost my beautiful 21 year old Son Alex to suicide.

He was the most profound soul. He spent most of his spare time caring for and inspiring young humans to be the best versions they could be and together I will continue his work.

Never in our history do we need brave leaders to normalise mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing , whole health as a part of being fully human. Not soft or weak, but an acknowledgement that we are all in it together and through the power of one person who takes radical self Response Ability for their own healing journey they will change everything for the next generation...Other wise if we continue to put profit over people there will not be one.

The Corporate RevivAL Personal Development and Wellness Platform will partner with your company to develop happy, highly productive, cooperative cultures at a collective level by working on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the individuals within your companies care. It is more than just an Employee Assistance Programme. It is human connection, personal development and wellbeing all in one place.

Were you aware that 70% of our energy is spent on repeating thoughts and emotions that when left unprocessed flow into the inability to function at happier, higher levels within our professional and private lives. The truth is emotions do not care whether you are a corporate professional or not. Companies are made of individuals and individuals carry past hurts and trauma that when cleared can tremendously change the culture and vibrancy of the individual person and therefore your company.
You can only ever lead someone else to the degree that you have led yourself. This is conscious leadership and Conscious Companies have the opportunity to lead the way.

The equation is simple.
Happy employees = Happy Workplace!

Why JOIN our Community of Amazing Women

Corporate RevivAL will help your businesses prioritize the health and wellbeing of your employees by providing a next level personal development and wellness platform that leverages the latest scientific research and modalities to deliver personalized and engaging wellness programs and content that improve employee morale, engagement, mental and physical health which all leads to overall well-being and happiness.
In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business world, the importance of personal development and wellness for corporate employees cannot be overstated. Investing in the personal growth and wellbeing of your employees can yield numerous benefits for your company, including improved productivity, increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and enhanced overall performance and overall general happiness within your organisation.

      The Corporate RevivAL Personal Development and Wellness Platform will help your company develop happy, highly productive, cooperative cultures at a collective level by working on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the individuals within your companies care.

      It is a self directed platform where your employees  will have 24/7 access and can determine what they need or want to work on when they need it.
       There are self paced courses, challenges, meditations, affirmations on over 10 different categories such as; Leadership, Family & Relationships, Confidence and Self care, Public Speaking, Success Mindet, Stress Management,

      Your employees will also have the added benefit of accessing Individual Professional Counselling Services, Our Inhouse Expert Specialist Coaches that can be accessed through LIVE Zoom Monthly Q&A's along with live monthly sessions in proven modalities such as  Breathwork, Psychology, Somatic Healing, Nutrition, Peak Performance and more...

      10% of all profits made are reinvested into running and training Emotional Fitness Coaches in Transformational Breathwork and place in as many football clubs throughout Australia as possible for "The Big AL Foundation" - Emotional Fitness for the Next Generation.

This really is the NEXT LEVEL platform for all your employees mental, health and wellness goals.

The 6 Core Outcomes

Here are some of the key outcomes you can expect from investing in a personal
development and wellness program for your employees;


Develops the skills and mindset necessary to be more productive at work by providing access to training, coaching, and resources that help employees improve their time management, goal-setting, and communication skills, companies can create a culture of productivity that benefits the entire organization.


Employees who feel supported and valued by their employers are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. Personal development and wellness programs can help employees feel more fulfilled and engaged in their work, leading to increased job satisfaction and a higher level of commitment to the company.


Investing in personal development and wellness can also help companies retain their top talent. Employees who feel that their employers care about their personal and professional growth are less likely to leave for another company. This can save companies significant costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.


Create the environment for employees to develop the skills and mindset necessary to perform at their best. By providing access to resources that support physical and mental health, stress management, and self-care, companies can help employees feel more energized, focused, and motivated, leading to enhanced overall performance.


Happiness at work has a positive impact on an individual’s overall well-being. Employees who are happy at work are less stressed, have better physical health, and are more satisfied with their lives. The equation is simple, happy employees lead to happier and healthier work environments.


Promotes a supportive and inclusive work environment. When employees feel that their employers care about their wellbeing and personal growth, they are more likely to feel connected to the company's mission and values, leading to a more positive and productive workplace culture.

The FOUR PILLARS to Whole Health

The concept of Whole Health recognizes that our well-being is interconnected

and includes four pillars: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual.


This pillar encompasses our cognitive and intellectual well-being. It includes our ability to think, reason, and problem-solve, as well as our emotional regulation, attention span, and memory. Mental health is essential for a balanced life and enables us to function well in our personal and professional lives.


This pillar refers to our ability to recognize, express, and regulate our emotions in a healthy and constructive way. It includes the ability to manage stress, cope with life's challenges, and maintain positive relationships. Emotional health is crucial for our overall well-being and affects our physical health and mental well-being.


This pillar encompasses our physical body's health, including our physical fitness, nutrition, and overall health. Physical health is crucial for our overall well-being and enables us to perform daily activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


This pillar refers to our inner self, including our values, beliefs, and sense of purpose. Spiritual health enables us to connect with a higher power, which can give us a sense of inner peace and purpose. It includes practices such as meditation, prayer, and mindfulness, and can help us find meaning and purpose in life.

Meet our in-house EXPERTS

Trish Evelyn

FOUNDER Corporate RevivAL Breathwork, RTT

Trish Evelyn is passionate about each individual stepping into their happiest, healthiest version. When you authentically live from that place you transform yourself from the inside out and the world around begins to change as well.  Corporate RevivAL provides all that you need to live your best life now.. Dive in, do the work and reap the rewards for you, your family and the world you work in.  

Chris Marhefka

Mens Leadership Coach

Chris Marhefka catalyzes transformation by opening hearts, expanding minds, & giving people permission to be their most authentic self.  Men that work with Chris lead their lives with more Clarity, Confidence, and Courage.  Chris is a Master Coach, a worldwide retreat facilitator, Host of the Fully Expressed Podcast, and Speaker. He is authoring an upcoming book titled, "Integrated Leadership", where he shares the simple 3 Step Process he created and how applying it has had enormous impact in his life and his clients' lives. 

Carla Wainwright

Sex, Love and Relationship Coach

Carla is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach through The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, as well as a Sexual Awakening mentor and long-time embodiment and breath work facilitator. For the past three decades, she has immersed herself in exploring what it means to be a thriving human, to be literally turned on by life - as an individual and in relationship. A seeker of truth and authenticity, Carla's passion is supporting people to release limiting beliefs about their sexuality and relationships so they can heal, transform and awaken to the power of allowing love to be the guiding force in their lives. 

Wayne Reuben

Business Performance Driver

Wayne brings 25+ years in senior leadership roles, culminating with two assignments as President for the APAC region in public MNCs with healthcare focus.  He previously held senior roles at Coca-Cola, J&J and Sanofi.  He has lived and worked in both China and Singapore, and now operates from Singapore and Sydney. ​Wayne is degree qualified in Law and Commerce / Marketing. He is DiSC certified and has a Cert IV in Workplace and Business Coaching.  He has been married for 30+ years and has 3 adult children.   He is an avid world adventure traveller, marathon runner (10 completed marathons) and has studied and performed in improvised theatre.​

Changing Corporate Culture from the inside out ONE person at a time.

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